E- Resources under INASP/PERii

  1. Acoustic Society of America (http://scitation.aip.org)
  2. American Institute of Physics (journals.aip.org)
  3. Annual Reviews (annualreviews.org)
  4. Cambridge University Press – Cambridge journals (journals.cambridge.org)
  5. Geological Society (lyellcollection.org)
  6. International Monetary Fund (IMF) (More info…)
  7. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers (liebertonline.com)
  8. NPG (Nature and Palgrave Macmillan Journals) (as subscribed) (More info…)
  9. OSA – Optical Society of America (More info…)
  10. Oxford University Press – Oxford Journals (oxfordjournals.org)
  11. Policy Press (More info…)
  12. Project MUSE (More info…)
  13. Royal Society – Royal Society Journals Online (More info…)
  14. Symposium Journals (More info…)
  15. University of Chicago Press

E-Resources under eIFL.net (NeLIC)

  1. BioOne (bioone.org)
  2. Jstor (jstor.org)

Other E-Resources

  1. DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) doaj.org
  2. HINARI (who.int/hinari)
  3. OARE (Online Access to   Research Environment)      oaresciences.org
  4. Openj-gate: http://www.openj- gate.com